Thursday, April 13, 2006

A bitter sweet experience

The IIM results were out yesterday and it was bitter sweet experience for me for several reasons. Let me first highlight why I felt sad after the results. Firstly, I was not able to convert IIMA which I was very sure of converting. One of my very close friend suffered the same fate and the other one who had B and C calls was not able to convert either. All this left me a little bit sad.
The saving grace coming from my conversion of IIMB as well as one of my close friend also converting the same. This made me happy for several reasons and the most important of all being that we would be again together for the span of atleast 2 years. Two years that could and would shape our future to a great extent. I communicated the result to one of my profs. and he was happy and gave me a advice. "In life most of the time it does not matter where you are rather it matters what you are". I am sure of keeping this with me for a long long time. So let me get on with work now and hopefully by the time I write the next post I would have enough enthu to be ready to face what lies ahead.

1 comment:

nanda said...

yes, you got to keep up your enthu
towards life as life is full of surprises and we all got to njoy these surprises.
Really nice to go thro your blog, it makes one to think, keep blogging