Saturday, June 23, 2007

Had fun in London but did I really enjoy it

I am back in India .... and it seems so good to be back with my friends and family. The place where are really belong. I had a great time in London but there is a difference ....I think the only thing I was missing was .. India. London is an amazing city .. it's truly one of those places where you would like to live in at least for a short period of time. But there were days when I wanted to talk to some one who was close to me. Some one who knew me well ... some one who would bear all by cribbing not because he/she has to but because he/she knows it will be helpful to be and important to me. In short I was missing some of my close friends and family. I know I have been living away from my home for the last 10 years (almost) and how can I miss them know but I think it is very easy initially and keeps getting difficult as time passes by. I missed some of my close friedns.. I missed Pabbo and A^2 and the long chats I have with them. I am afraid of this the most that once we pass out of this place I would loose them again .. we would not live in the same city .. even if we do would we have time to spend with each other and have a long chat as we have them now.... its a scary world out there with a lot of uncertainity and I am not sure I am goign to love it. On top of that there are certain other operation problems that I faced in London. Coming back from office and then cook and iron out clothers at 11 or 12 in the night is not the easiest of things to do and well its ok to do for 2 months but for a sustained period its difficult. Food is always a problem outside India if you are a veg. But all these things can be dealt with if you have some good friends whom I can talk to. I dont know whether I would have some one there. I am afraid it might not be true as most of my friends dont want to leave India. In that case I could not imagne the haste I would be in to get back to India. There are certain decisions I need to take for my profession life but certainly they are at a personal life!!! I have already made a decision ... but is it the right one...only time will tell!!

1 comment:

LoonyTalk said...

My personal experience: Life is fun in a 'phoren-land' even for veggies. Just takes a while to get the schedule into your system! :)
It takes me a lot less time now to cook meals than in the first year. Perhaps that's what they call a learning curve! :)